Konferansda Aveiro'da sunulacak bildirilerin listesi:
Using SymbalooEDU as a PLE Organizer in Higher Education Victoria Marín, Jesús Salinas and Bárbara de Benito
Building identity in an institutionally supported PLE: the case of SAPO Campus Mónica Aresta, Carlos Santos, Luís Pedro and António Moreira
Steps to reflect on the Personal Learning Environment. Improving the learning process? MªJesús Gallego Arrufat and Vanesa Gámiz Sánchez
Introducing Personal Learning Environments to Informal Learners: Lessons Learned from the OpenLearn Case Study Alexander Mikroyannidis and Teresa Connolly
Developing Work based Personal Learning Environments in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Building and Construction Industries Graham Attwell and Ludger Deitmer
Enhancing Self Regulated Learning skills for improved PLE use: A Problem Based Learning approach Arunangsu Chatterjee and Mahrukh Mirza
Sapo Campus Schools as a disruptive innovation tool: Could it be theeducational Ba? Fátima Pais, Carlos Santos and Luís Pedro
Pedagogical Practices, Personal Learning Environments and the Future ofeLearning Rui Páscoa, Sérgio Lagoa, João Brogueira and José Mota
The impact of culture on personalization of learning environments: Sometheoritical insights Arunangsu Chatterjee and Mahrukh Mirza
Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments: Does theFeeling of Posession and Control Matter? Ilona Buchem
PLE-based eportfolios: towards empowering student teachers’ PLE through eportfolio processes Gemma Tur and Santos Ramírez
Analysis of Personal Learning Networks in Support of Teachers Presence Optimization Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck and Carmen Holotescu
Future Teachers looking for their PLE: the personal learning processes behind Linda Castañeda and Jordi Adell
“Tips for making a movie”, a learning object for autonomous learning Clarissa Rodrigues, Sérgio Ferreira and Lia Raquel Oliveira
First time building of a PLE in an ICT Post Graduation course: which functions and tools João Paz
Evaluating the effectiveness of online social network channels in supporting live events Lisa Harris, Nicole Beale, Tom Brughmans, Chris Phethean and Graeme Earl
Sharing Personal Learning Environments for Widget Based Systems using a Widget Marketplace Daniel Dahrendorf, Diana Dikke and Nils Faltin
Just4me: functional requirements to support informal self-directed learning in a personal ubiquitous environmentIolanda Garcia, Begoña Gros, Mas Xavier, Ingrid Noguera, Sancho Teresa and Jordi Ceballos
Building a shared Personal Learning Environment with SAPO Campus Luís Pedro, Carlos Santos, Sara Almeida and Tim Koch-Grunberg
Drupal as a social environment for personal learningTobias Hölterhof, Michael Kerres and Axel Nattland
Implementing a PLE in a secondary school by using freely available web2.0 tools for engaging students in learning activities Ebrahim Rahimi, Jan van den Berg and Wim Veen
Online Learning Communities: from Personal to Social Learning Environments Miguel Gea, R. Montes, V. Gamiz, B. Roja, R. Raposo, E. Arjona, J.M. de Cordoba
Sapo Campus Schools: Network Learning, Teaching and People Fátima Pais, Carlos Santos and Luís Pedro
Diverse Knowledge Practices through Personal Learning Environments Sabine Reisas
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