Virtual Professional Learning and Development: Putting the PLE into formal PLD Hazel Owen
Personalising the Student Approach to Tertiary Study through a Self-Assessment Model Sarah-Jane Saravani
How can we create the Cloud Academic: exploring the use of PLNs as a method of staff development and supporting pedagogical change at an Australian university Joyce SeitzingerKonfereansda çok sayıda çalıştay yeralmakta. Averio'daki çalıştayların listesi:
Build your Responsive Open Learning Environment (ROLE): Experiment with New Learning Technologies and Design your Learning Alexander Mikroyannidis, Denis Gillet, Sylvana Kroop, Daniel Dahrendorf
The ROLE SDK – Widget Development for Responsive Open Learning Environments Kerstin Schmidt and Maren Scheffel
A DIY (do-it-yourself) Information Management Strategy Ricardo Torres Kompen
Workshop on Personal and Social Learning Environments for Schools Ademar Aguiar, Jorge Simões
Content Curation for Personal Learning and Sharing Maria Paula Silva, José Mota, Maria João Spilker
How do we get more teachers involved with PLEs? Annette Pedersen
Work-based learning strategies for PLEs Maria Perifanou, Graham Attwell
Technologies and software for developing Personal Learning Environments: Building digital contents for PLE Ana Torres, Cristina NovoMelbourne'daki çalıştayların listesi:
PLEs PLEs Me: A Speed Networking Cafe Keith Kirkwood, Joyce Seitzinger
Academic Identity & the PLE David Marshall, Kim Barbour
Unconferencing the #PLEConf Chair: Joyce Seitzinger
Exploring PLEs Presenter 1: Howard Errey – eWorksPresenter 2: Kim Tairi
Presenter 3: Mark Smithers – Swinburne Online
PLEs & The Future of Education #QandA Panel Panelists: Alec Couros, Inger Mewburn, David Jones, a Mystery Guest?
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