Kişisel Öğrenme Ortamları Konferansının dördüncüsü bu yıl 10-12 Haziran'da Berlin/Almanya ve Melbourne/Avustralya'da aynı anda düzenleniyor (
Konferansda ele alınması beklenen konular şunlar:
- Concepts, scenarios and technologies for fostering diversity with PLEs
- Concepts, scenarios, technologies for learning in smart urban spaces
- General theories and frameworks for PLE
- Technologies and software for developing PLE
- Pedagogical and didactic approaches to Personal Learning Environments
- Personal Learning Environments and Personal Learning Networks (PLN)
- PLE and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- Personal Learning Environments, Open Badges and Gamification
- PLEs in practice: case studies, good practice and approaches to PLEs
- PLEs in education: new approaches and managing change in education
- PLEs in organisations: new approaches and change in enterprises
- PLEs at work: PLEs work-based learning and vocational training
- PLEs in context: PLEs for contextual learning such as mobile learning
- PLE vision: emerging technologies and innovative approaches to PLEs
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